Feb. 2, 2006 – Entertainment Update

    • What book am I reading? — With This Ring, I’m Confused by Kristin Billerbeck, which is the third and last book in Kristin’s “Ashley Stockingdale” Series.  The other two books are What a Girl Wants and She’s Out of Control.  I planned on saying what I thought about the book, but them I found this quote from Jane Orcutt (author of Dear Baby Girl) that fits just perfectly: “Reading an Ashley Stockingdale novel is like eating a quart of my favorite ice cream and then discovering it was actually good for me.”  =)
    • What am I listening to? — Silence, since both girls are napping!  But if we’re talking about music, then it’s Third Day’s Wherever You Are cd and Barlow Girl’s self titled cd.  I’m a very big fan of Third Day, so I pretty much have enjoyed everything they’ve put out!  When something new comes out from them, it’s a must buy!  When they’re in concert, it’s a must go!  And when my Third Day shirt got stained, it’s a sad day!  Just kidding… I’ll wait for them to come back in concert so I can get another!  The Barlow Girl’s songs are awesome.  I would recommend it to anyone, especially young girls and teenage girls.  They need role models that even wear clothes in the music industry who not only can actually sing, but they play the instruments in the band!  Wow…They’ve got brains, talent, and morals!  That’s impressive!!
    • What was the last movie I watched? — Meet the Browns, which is actually a play by Tyler Perry.  (He did Diary of a Mad, Black Woman, and he also played three characters.  His main one is Madea.)  We’ve watched all of his plays and Diary of a Mad, Black Woman, which was his first movie.  They are so funny with so many lesson to learn and great music.  I recommend everything by Tyler Perry, but to be honest, I didn’t think Meet the Browns was as good as Tyler Perry’s other works.  Matt, my husband, said it was because Madea wasn’t in it!!
    • What was the last TV show I watched? — American Idol!  I watched the first two seasons, but I was very suspicious of the show trying to be politically correct when Clay Aiken didn’t win.  His phone line to vote for the finale was always busy, and Ruben Studdard’s wasn’t ever busy.  Ruben was in the bottom two during the competition, while Clay never was.  There are several other things I could list, but I’ll just get to the point!  Now we usually at least watch the first part, because Matt really enjoys the people who think they are great singers, but they stink!!  Last year we knew some one who got through to Hollywood, so we watched a little more of it.  Actually, Matt and I picked who we thought would end up winning.  He was wrong, but I picked Carrie Underwood!  You’re impress, huh!?!
    • What was the last game I played? — Candy Land with Abbye and Matt!!  =)


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