The Girl in the Glass by Susan Meissner

How does she do it again and again? How does the author Susan Meissner create yet another amazing story that entwines past and present? Her novels gently invite you to step into their world. The people and their stories stay with you even after you put the book down. Susan’s characters are real and complex and become interesting people you long to know more about. The Girl in the Glass is no different…

The Girl in the Glass is actually a story of three women – Meg, Nora and Sophia. Their different lives, though not all even in the same time period, fit together around Florence to form a wonderful story of love, loss and courage. They each are trying to decide who they are and whether or not their past or their parents’ choices define them now. Nora’s nurse encourages Nora in the following section for the book:

She took me to the looking glass in my room and stood me in front of it. “You see that girl in the glass?” she said to me. “You are the one who will say who she is, Nora. You decide who she will be and whose daughter she is and the kinds of parents she has. You are the girl in the glass.”

Does Nora find the courage she needs in the beauty that surrounds her? Will the lines between reality and fiction become too blurred for Sophia? Does Meg find someone worth the risk of being loved? She shares a beautiful, thought provoking thought from her greatly loved grandmother:

“…Heaven’s rules don’t just tell us what to do and not do. They tell us what God is like. People searching for God only need to look at what God says is important. I think love is important to Him. so there are rules about it. Not to make us feel bad about how far we fall short, but to show us how wonderful the real thing is.”

I have been sick recently, so of course sleep is even more important. However I truly had to force myself to stop reading and go to bed all the way through The Girl in the Glass. I could have read this book all night! In conclusion, I highly recommend this book… but maybe you shouldn’t start it on an evening when you really need to get a good night of rest! 🙂

Follow this link for an excerpt and a podcast about about The Girl in the Glass and even a devotional written by Susan Meissner.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through Blogging for Books, Waterbrook Multnomah Publisher’s book review bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


I’ve reviewed a few of her others books, if you would like to check those out too.

**Lady in Waiting

**The Shape of Mercy

**A Sound Among the Trees

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