The Church Builder by A. L. Shields

Oh wow, what a story!! NOW when is the next one coming out!?!…SOON I hope!!!The Church Builder book cover

Who can Bethany trust? What is she in the middle of? I was drawn by the description of the book. It could be interesting. However, this was a book that grabbed me quickly and firmly held my attention. It had many twists and turns – like a roller coaster that wouldn’t quit, which is a complement, just in case you are wondering! 🙂 However, she has slightly annoying habit of calling a young tagalong “honey” all the time. It just didn’t seem to fit.

This would make a fascinating movie…never mind, they would probably ruin it…I’ll just stick with reading more from A. L. Shields. I would encourage you to also!

Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own.

2 thoughts on “The Church Builder by A. L. Shields

  1. This is a really well written review! I’m proud of you for how much effort you put into your book reviews!! I’m also very proud to call you my wife!

    Sent from my iPhone


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